Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sisters are one of the special gifts from God. Actually, there were four sisters, but the baby (Jacqueline) was 15 years younger than me; so wasn't born at this time. She now is at home in heaven. This is from left to right, Peggy (the baby at this time), Mary (the first born) and myself, Judy (the middle child). This post is about Mary. She fell and broke her leg in 3 places last week and underwent surgery today. She tripped while walking her little dog. She is doing well, but still has a bit of a recovery. Mary has had our mother, who has Alzheimers, living with her for many years. That makes her part "saint". She is also one of the most creative and talented people around--has made many gorgeous quilts. Get well quick Mary!

1 comment:

kari and kijsa said...

Such a loving tribute!! (loved the photo...we are actually three sisters...our younger sister Whitney does all our IT work for us!!)

have a blessed day,
kari & kijsa